Besides writing novels I also maintain several blogs; The Zen of Money and Can We Save America. The blogs serve as a quick way to throw ideas and information out to the internet community. When I don't have time to work on a novel a quick blog insert can be a good substitute.
It keeps me writing when I don't have time to write. I can pretty much let whatever is on my mind just flow onto the blog. My first Blog Fixed gear maniacs had a pretty big following at the time when the fixed gear bicycles were the craze. That blog is still up and I still contribute to it occasionally. Since it's been a while since I have done any serious riding I just haven't been that motivated to write content for it.
The blogging really hasn't made me any money, but maybe it's pushed some readers to purchase one of my novels. The more I write the more ideas I get and the more creative I become so I guess it serves a purpose.
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